Kuranda ShelterBedsWe are trying to provide our dogs with Kuranda shelter beds. A ShelterBed is a life-changing gift! Kuranda ShelterBeds are Made in the USA and are specifically designed to resist chewing and digging. These beds provide essential comfort to our pets, helping them sleep better, reducing stress behaviors and increasing their chance for adoption! Best of all, the beds are easy to clean. That means less time cleaning runs, less time in the laundry room and more time walking dogs and playing with cats. To donate a bed, visit A&B Animal Rescue of SW Arkansas’ wish list or if you can't buy a bed but would still like to help get one, donate via PayPal to put towards a bed.
Why choose Kuranda ShelterBeds when you can do it yourself or when there are cheaper options, or even use some hand-me down furniture? Kuranda ShelterBeds are chosen by shelters across the country because they prevent disease and are extremely durable. Disease can spread easily in shelters and their safety is our top priority. Kuranda shelters beds are high quality and long lasting and are sure to keep the dogs and cats safe and comfortable for years and years to come so thank you for donating. |